Saturday, January 11, 2014

Pre-Season Outlook: Baltimore Orioles

Batting Order: The Orioles relied heavily on free agency to revamp their team and their top four hitters are all free agent signings. Larkin, Kinsler, Gonzalez, and Everett (2001 edition) are all significant upgrades. Especially Everett, who replaces OF Brady Anderson with a more potent bat at a 40 point discount. This may be the most powerful line-up in the division, with three guys who can hit the ball out at 17 and three others crushing it out at 18. Due to the elite pitching found on their divisional competition, the O's could struggle to get charts, but if they do, watch out!

Rotation: Free agency was essential in revamping their rotation, allowing them to sign Worley and Medlen. Vance is a traditional tier 2 ace that this team needed, but Medlen may be the wild card that puts them into contention. A tier 1 with an extremely low IP, if Kris can consistently make 6 inning starts at a tier 1 level (in the two hole no less), the Orioles could find themselves in a surprising situation. Unfortunately, #4 starter Hammel is the worst #4 starter in the East.

Bullpen: A consistently stellar bunch is led by Jim Johnson's workhorse 2 IPs and no doubles allowed chart. Strop and O'Day provide the back-up, but don't be surprised if Johnson ends up leading the American League in innings pitched by a reliever.

Overall: The Orioles made substantial improvements to their initial roster (adding two aces and upgrading 1B and SS were BIG steps), but they're still the worst team on paper in the East. Against brutally tough competition (four legitimate playoff teams), they appear destined for the cellar. 

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