Saturday, January 11, 2014

Pre-Season Outlook: Detroit Tigers

Batting Order: The Tigers punt the second base position, but the rest of the order is stellar. Austin Jackson is an elite lead-off man, Bobby Higginson is an underrated stud, and Juan Gonzalez is a superb power hitting clean-up man. Most importantly, the Tigers have MVP frontrunner Miguel Cabrera, who has the protection in the line-up and the pieces around him to contend for a triple crown. A pair of OB 10s are in the 5 and 6 spot, giving them capable hitting beneath their powerful 3-4 slots. Expect Torii Hunter to put up the best numbers by a #8 hitter.

Rotation: Perhaps the best 1-2 punch in the American League. Verlander is a tier 1 ace and is paired with a C6, tier 2 Scherzer. Poised for dominance, this pair should strike out batters at alarming rates. Doug Fister will be over looked, but he's got the ability to be a more than serviceable #3, especially with the run support he should get. Unfortunately for the Tigers, they couldn't afford a better final starter and they can only hope to eek out a few high scoring victories when Chris Holt takes the mound.

Bullpen: Fortunately for Holt, he'll be supported by a fantastic bullpen. Alberquerque is a stud and Valverde should be dynamite in the ninth inning. Doug Brocail is extremely underrated and gives them three good relievers, three relievers with high strike-out rates to boot. Nitkowski is there to eat innings during blowouts, don't expect him in crucial situations. Amazingly, none of their relievers allows a double off their own chart.

Overall: The Tigers are a clear pennant contender and should be neck and neck with Cleveland for the AL Central crown. While they punted a position in the field and the rotation (still ending up over the salary cap), they're poised to make a run for the whole dang thing. Don't be shocked to see them sign another starter or second basemen, gaining significant salary penalties next season to try to win it all now.

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