Monday, January 13, 2014

Pre-Season Outlook: Cincinnati Reds

Batting Order: The Reds have a deep lineup, demonstrated by the pair of OB 9 hitters closing rounding the order out. Votto is the favorite to lead the NL in OBP and he should be frequently rolling off his chart. Griffey is a stud clean-up hitter, supported in the outfield and blast off department by sluggers Vaughn and Bruce. Casey, Stynes, and Hanigan should provide solid, consistent hitting to supplement the high-risk, high-reward hitters. Look for Larkin to put up great numbers in the lead-off role as well.

Rotation: Cueto may have a low control, but with a deadly chart, look for him to be a devastating ace. Harnisch and Bailey aren't anything special, but they should pitch capably. The biggest question mark and perhaps team MVP is the #4 starter. Yes, Denny Neagle allows a HR off his chart and a double at an unheard of 18. However, he's a tier 2 starter for only 350 points, and if he can pitch like a tier 2 frequently, the Reds will be in playoff form.

Bullpen: Another fantastic bullpen led by a stud closer. Chapman may very well lead the NL in K/9 innings. Williamson and Cordero provide more high firepower relief, with Graves giving them a high control option as well. A good 'pen to supplement a decent staff.

Overall: Cincinnati plays in the wide-open NL Central and very much expects to emerge as a contender. Obviously there is substantial risk in Denny Neagle, but he could very much wind up as a surprise star for the team. A deep lineup and bullpen helps, putting the Reds in position to challenge for the NL pennant.

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