Monday, January 13, 2014

Pre-Season Outlook: San Diego Padres

Batting Order: The Padres have an extremely versatile lineup that could shift a lot over the course of the season. Expect #7 hitter Sanders to rise in the order and ceremonially placed Tony Gwynn to fall over the season. There's a lot of speed on this team and like the A's, they're built around timely hitting and a dependence on their 3-4-5 combination of 3B, 1B, and DH stardom. Will Venable could be a surprise star, with loads of speed and a great chart, as could Damian Jackson. Overall, a stellar unit that should see big numbers from Chase Headley, Adrian Gonzalez, and Ryan Klesko.

Rotation: Not the best bunch in the NL West, but good for the points spent. Especially ace Eric Stults, the second cheapest tier 2 in the game. Although he's only a 5IP pitcher, he'll be great and probably go 6 a lot anyway. Meanwhile, Hitchcock and Ashby are going to be expected to pitch great, especially Ashby and his 500 point salary. Volquez is a lackluster fourth starter, but he should be servicable.

Bullpen: A great unit led by a future Hall of Famer, the Padres have three different closer-level pitchers to count on. Hoffman is a fantastic closer, with Bell and Street providing similar levels of great production. Gregerson is no slouch either and gives them a much needed fourth arm.

Overall: There's a lot to like about the Padres, but in a division with three powerhouse teams, it is hard to give them much of a chance heading into the year. They've got solid players across the board, but need to their pitchers to over-achieve if they'll contend.

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