Monday, January 13, 2014

Pre-Season Outlook: San Francisco Giants

Batting Order: The Giants have a traditionally designed line-up that could lead to a very successful season. Santangelo, Cabrera, and Posey are high on-base guys who'll often be in scoring position for power hitters like Bonds and Burks. Sixth and seventh hitters Sandoval and Belt are guys who'll hit for average with some pop, driving in anyone that Bonds and Burks miss. The final two spots are weak, but they've got decent defense and Aurilia has solid HR power.

Rotation: A great rotation that challenges Boston for the best in baseball, top to bottom. Lincecum is a tier 1 ace, one of only two in the National League, and he's inexpensive too! Yes, he allows two doubles, but his WHIP and ERA still project to be one of the best in baseball. Cain's a great #2, and they'll both strikeout a ton of hitters. Baumgardner is an inning eater and good #3, allowing Volgesong and his 5 IP to be supported by a deep bullpen. Ryan's a cheap tier 2 and should put up great win totals in the fourth slot of the rotation.

Bullpen: A great bullpen with four arms, the Giants are ready to support their great starters. Johnstone will be in the closer role and he's more than qualified. Set-up men like Embree and Affeldt will do sensationally. A key contributor will be Romo, who only has 1/3IP but has elite stuff and can certainly provide great support in clutch situations.

Overall: San Francisco is easily co-favorites with Arizona and Los Angeles for the NL West crown. While their batting order isn't as good as their fellow frontrunners, they've got some of the best pitching in the game. Assuming their small ball mixed with power offense contributes 3.5 runs a game, the Giants should punch their way to a postseason berth.

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